Living in Bolivian

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

For real, y'all

Wow. Just. Wow.

I watched most of the Britney and Kevin show last night and I'm here to tell I've never purchased any of Miss Britney's CDs or anything, but I've always enjoyed her bouncy pop music in a casual, wouldn't-switch-the-radio way. It's not that I expected her to be a rocket scientist, but the show proved that she has led an incredibly small and sheltered life, despite having traveled the world and made zillions of dollars. It was watchable enough, however, when it was just her on the screen. Then bad things began to happen.

The program chronicles Brit and K-Fed's "courtship". I'm not sure I would characterize a transatlantic booty call as a "courtship", but whatever. It seems a little precious and twee to use that kind of old-fashioned terminology when the young lady in question is happily proclaiming to a video camera, "I've had sex three times today!"

Ick. When do you suppose the inevitable sex tape will be released? In time for the next record?

In any event, her main squeeze is not charming, not attractive, not smart, not employed or possessed of job skills, and is clearly an opportunistic weasel. Now, we have all done stupid things in exchange for good lovin', but this guy better be phenomenal in the sack. Gross. Now I need to shower again. Dirty. And not in the good way.


  • Yew mean like Moniker Lewinsky? What the sam hill you talkin' about?

    By Blogger Maureen, at 9:04 AM  

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