Living in Bolivian

Monday, June 27, 2005

Greatest American

So I was watching the "Greatest American" last night on the Discovery Channel, hosted by Matt Lauer. They had narrowed the field to five men: George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ronald Reagan and Ben Franklin. Poor Lauer. He's been through enough recently with crazy kookoo pants movie stars threatening to cut him for not knowing the chemical composition of Ritalin. Evidently, the title of "Greatest" was to be given to the individual receiving the most Internet votes. Lauer seemed to sense this would end in heartache, although he claimed that he was finding out the results as they were posted.

Based on his reaction to the eventual winner, I believe he was telling the truth. We eliminated the contenders Miss America-style, with the fourth runnerup being given a bouquet and hustled off the stage. So we get down to Lincoln and Reagan as the last two standing. They stood in their evening gowns, hugging each other, and Lauer made the announcement: "The first runnerup, and Greatest American in the event the winner can't fulfill his Lincoln! Reagan is the greatest American!!!"

Predictably, the place went bananas, and Lauer (and Al Roker, his co-host) got that constipated look so common to major media figures when it becomes clear to them that they have no idea what the "fly-over" states get up to. Now let me be clear. I don't know that Reagan beats any of the Founding Fathers on merit. However, if you set this contest up as a popularity contest to be voted on by the sort of people with computer access, you reap what you sow.

I can assure you that none of the NBC types ever thought it would go down this way. But come on, guys. Put the sash and tiara on the Prez, help him wipe the mascara, and quit acting surprised that many Americans couldn't pick Franklin out of a lineup even if he was wearing period clothing and the little round glasses. Reagan was on the tee-vee every day for my entire childhood. Of course he is currently more popular than some dude in a weird hat with concept facial hair. So I take my stovepipe off to you, Mr. Reagan - congrats!!


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